I Love Astronomy and Microbiology – Part 1: Astronomy

This overall piece contains two commentaries which I have had to split into two posts.  The first is on an organization in which the greatest spectacle of the astronomical universe all around us is about to occur.  The second refers to an organization that is experiencing microbiological change on a cellular level.

Both of these organizations like to portray themselves as different from the other, but are, for all intents and purposes, the same.  They are the republican and democratic party ‘establishments.’  These people are in trouble, and the trouble they have is the trouble they have made for themselves in recent history.

That trouble is, basically, that the people to whom both of these organizations have promised salvation and prosperity have seen neither a dime nor a day of deliverance from them.  They have both lied to the American people and they know it.  That, in and of itself, is not a problem, or wouldn’t be were it not for the fact that the American Nation now sees the very weave of the wool that has covered their eyes for so long.  The shroud of secrecy has been lifted and both the democrat and republican machines have been exposed for what they are; devices to maintain the status quo.

The Greatest Spectacle of the Universe: The Supernova

The republican party is just weeks away from going supernova.  Like a star that has used up all of the fuel it gathered during its genesis, it is now bankrupt and existing solely on its ability to eat itself.  Soon, the city of Cleveland will the be the site at which the actual event occurs: the site at which the star explodes.  It will be a glorious event to behold and, I must say, one for which I have waited almost all my life and definitely all of my adult life.

The only caveat within this event is the high probability that people are going to be hurt, and that is something I do not want to see.  I don’t mean ‘hurt’ in the sense that they will experience some form of emotional distress over the explosive destruction of their party.  I mean that people are probably going to be physically beaten and, unfortunately, killed.

I say this because I find it difficult to believe that no Trump delegate will leave his home for Cleveland without taking a portion of his arsenal with him.  When the republican establishment successfully wrests the nomination from Trump, thereby destroying any chance of making America great again, at least one of these characters is going to go off.  He’s going to return to his hotel, load up, and head back to the convention determined to show these people “who they’re fucking with.”  When I say “at least one of these characters,” I mean at the very least, one, but I assume it will be more.

At the time of the writing of this essay (late March, 2016), a group of satirists have placed a phony petition online to allow open carry at the convention.  The petition speaks of how any ‘open carry-free zones’ are an affront to our second amendment rights.  As I’m sure you can imagine, the average republican cannot discern truth from satire and more than 25,000 gun toters have signed the petition calling for Quicken Loans Arena to allow them their God-given right to carry guns everywhere.  The owners of the arena will not allow this, if for no other reason than the certainty that if they did, the republican convention would end a bloodbath.

I can guarantee you that if the party was to convince the owners of the Quicken Loans Arena to allow the foaming at the mouth expression of the Second Amendment at their convention that the republicans have tried to foist upon America as a whole, then we will hear the pundits on Fox Noise in a conversation that will go something like this: “Obviously, the Trump delegates did not expect the Cruz delegates to be so well armed and organized.  If they hadn’t been, the death toll among Cruz delegates would have been much higher, and the death toll among Trump delegates would have been negligible at best.  As it turned out, five hundred white ‘good guys with guns’ who despise each other insured our freedom for another generation.  Well, it looks like Kasich will get the nomination, since he has the most delegates left alive.”

Ah, Trump!  He is sucking up the last bit of hydrogen left in the star and he loves the uneducated, doesn’t he?  One of the loudest and longest sets of cheers I have heard in this entire election cycle occurred when Donald Trump was speaking to a mob of supporters and said (and I paraphrase): “We have the educated, the poorly educated…Oh, I love the poorly educated!” [begin wild, unending cheering of the poorly educated].

The star is going to go, so please allow me to explain my view of how the republicans arrived at their own ‘end of time’ and explore the reasons of how we arrived here at the doorstep of the republican party supernova.  It is a tale forty years in the making.

The ultra wealthy republican party oligarchs are a “Dr. Frankenstein” of sorts — Or perhaps they are the monster and their various constituencies are the doctor — that is a proposition I will have consider further, but not now.  Either way, the truth of the matter is that the republican party has quite carefully and recklessly coddled various fringe groups and has, for decades, told these groups that they would make their un-american fringe agendas part of of its traditional “money talks and bullshit walks” platform.

The primary example of this process is the ultra-fascist Christian Right.  In 1979, Jerry Falwell formed an organization called “The Moral Majority” and immediately aligned his group with two other sets of organizations, thereby forming a bridge between them.  These organizations were the republican party and the various loosely associated groups of the far-right wing fundamentalist Christian churches in the United States.

Since right wing fundamentalists first began to coalesce into the moral, ethical, and spiritual black hole it has become today, the republican party has courted this constituency carefully.  They have promised this group over and over again that the party would incorporate their hatred for others and their defilement of the legacy of Jesus Christ into their party platform.  They promised this every four years, and every four years the creationists and bible-only home-schoolers were left standing off in a corner like a wallflower at the big dance.  However, unlike your average wallflower who is nice and courteous, but just a bit too shy and insecure to get out there and dance, the christian right is mean, ugly, vindictive, judgmental, and full of hatred for a world that continues, to their continuous consternation, evolve.

In the mid- to late-1990’s the christian right began to understand that as long as they remained silent partners in the republican conspiracy; never outwardly violating the democratic cornerstone of the separation of church and state beyond the confines of their own individual churches, no republican would ever ask them to the dance.

Perhaps they made overtures to the democratic party, I don’t know.  One thing I do know is that if they did, the democrats laughed and said: “You’re insane!”  This avenue to political power closed, they knew that they had to strike out on their own, but to do so successfully would mean that they needed partners.  They couldn’t count on the vast majority of educated Christians, because most of these people despised them for what they were making of Christianity.

Enter the “NASCAR Dads.”

The NASCAR Dads are the perfect spouse of the Christian right.  Neither have any need of or respect for education, history, science (beyond generating lots of horse power), art, equal rights, human rights, or anything else that marks the ascension of man toward God.  They courted for a short time, discovered their innate compatibility, and were married at an ‘off the beaten path’ chapel on the outskirts of Vegas.  The marriage was quickly consummated and the spawn which heralded forth from the loins of this unholy man-bitch is the tea party creature.

The tea party; the descent of mankind into a base existence consumed with gun culture.  Their battle cry? “The Second Amendment is all the First Amendment I need!”  The tea party; a clearinghouse for racism, bigotry, harsh judgement, and hatred of all those different than them.  The tea party; a loose confederation of groups, populated with the type of people who will look into the cart of someone at the grocery store who they think might be on food stamps just to make sure they’re not buying any name-brand items like Oreos, or ‘luxury’ items like shrimp or steak.

The tea party creature, dripping with the stench of its bizarre conglomeration of ‘values’ and interests, knew that it did not posses the self-regenerating life force necessary to live as anything but a parasite, so it looked about for a host.  It identified its target quickly, and lunged with all of the vindictive hatred it could muster at the republican party.  It thereby attached itself and began to suck the life out of something which, strangely enough, was already devoid of any philosophical justification and was, for all intents and purposes, dead.

Like all parasites, the tea party creature gave something back to its host.  It brought votes, hate radio, the televised growls of Fox Noise, and the church-based grass-roots organization of the far right fundamentalists.   However, like all parasites, the tea party creature depended on its host for its survival, and the christian right portion of the monster found itself in almost the same position it was before.  Except for one very important difference: it now had secular claws with which the tear apart the fabric of american cultural progress.

These are the new constituencies of the republican party and there are a lot more of them than there are old rich white guys.  Therein lies the origin of the supernova we are about to see.  The tea party creature is stealing the republican party from the old rich white guys, and there’s nothing they can do about it.  The establishment oligarchs became lost in the heroin-like ecstasy of the ‘votes’ venom the tea party creature pumped into it.  They welcomed the parasite into their party to try and insure enough votes to be competitive in national campaigns and, as before, lied to them over and over and over again, somehow expecting them to remain complacent lap dogs to the monied interests dogma of the republican establishment.

The tea party creature is composed of people that the republican establishment would never allow within five miles of one of their garden parties if they could manage it.  These are people they will never allow into their gated-community fourth of July celebrations.

The tea party creature has become the driving force behind Dr. Frankenstein and now controls the republican party; and the creature’s man for president is Donald Trump…or Ted Cruz.  To have either of these men as your party’s candidate for president is tantamount to living out the final scene of Thelma and Louise.  Those two are in the car barreling toward the cliff and the republican party is the passenger in the back seat who, though he knows what is about to happen, either can’t bring himself to, or doesn’t really want to jump.  The republican party has become a suicide machine.

Grab a good seat kids, because believe it or not, the republican convention is going to be “must see TV.”  The whole bankrupt house of cards is about to blow up like a star devoid of the fuel it needs to continue its coherent life.  it is about to let out its last gasp; giving up its life to the universe.

I only hope that it does not do so in a hail of gunfire.

Peace and love to all,


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