

A lot of people look at the world around them, and especially at people who are in so-called “leadership” positions, and say to themselves (and others) “These people are stupid!”  I used to say that myself, and in so doing began, surreptitiously, to believe it.  However, over time I lost the ability to reconcile that strangely acquired belief with the obvious fact that people don’t reach positions of power within the realms of business, government, or organized religion by being stupid.  They reach those positions by towing lines; by subjugating what they know is right for what they are told is profitable.  By doing what they are told, so to speak.

So they are not stupid.  As we watch and participate in the world around us we have to understand that the overwhelming weirdness of this world is the product of the actions of people who know exactly what they are doing.  In the final equation, whether or not they know that what they are doing is right or wrong is between them and God.

This is the first post for this blog site, and in it I will write my views of the rights and wrongs of this world.  Through this site, I truly hope that someone (one person would be nice) might find some insight into what is happening around them.  Perhaps they will find some sort of truth between themselves and God, or between themselves and their neighbor.  Our neighbors, by the way, are everyone else on this planet.

There will be posts regarding politics.  There will be posts relating to our relationship with God.  There will be posts relating to social trends.  There will be posts relating to food that’s causing me temporary gastro-intestinal misery.  I hope that every post will make the person reading it either smile, or frown, or laugh, or cry, or become angry, or say “hmmmm,” or say “this guy is stupid!”  For those in that final group I can assure you that I am not stupid (misguided, maybe, but not stupid), I know exactly what I am writing, and I choose my words very carefully.  Therefore, if I write something that makes you laugh, or smile, or become angry, I meant to do it.

Although I know what my first issue-based post will be, it is not for this entry.  That will come tomorrow…or perhaps even later today.  This post is merely to say “hello” (with lots of punctuation and words).

Love and peace to all,


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