Why we should allow Indiana’s new religious discrimination law to take effect without being altered.

Indiana has crossed a line that more and more “Red States” are approaching: legalizing discrimination.  This is not just against groups that have suffered discrimination in the past and are not now protected by federal law, such as people with a felony conviction, but against anyone, regardless of their status.

It’s now becoming more and more clear that the legislative and executive branch majorities in “red states” aren’t red as in the blood of patriots who fought for our independence from the British crown, they’re red as in Josef Stalin’s political legacy.

If I lived in Indiana, you left-handers (or “witches” as we used to call you) would be in for it!  I don’t care what I was selling, you wouldn’t buy any of it.  Heck, you could just conjure it out of air and dirt anyway.

When the tea-party wing of the republican party first started to make its rise in the public eye, many people welcomed a few aspects of their message.  They seemed to be normal, middle class people with a concern for waste within the government.  Their initial message was easy to like: “I work hard for the money I send you each April 15th, so you need to make certain you use every dollar as efficiently as possible.”  That’s an attractive message.

However, these people soon revealed who they really are, and this is now revealed by the rise into the spotlight of their social agenda.  Who are they?  They are the evil satan worshippers of the christian political right.  They are the perverted purveyors of a twisted “money and power” based paganism which they try and pass off as Christianity.  They are the slime that has hijacked Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and defender of the least of us, and turned His name into a God of War and defender of the privileged in their arcane “Sunday best” rituals.

They are the infantry in the war against the poor, the commandos in the war against social welfare, of a safety net for the very poor, of health care for all people.  They are the stupid.  They are the ones who have been duped into fighting the wars for the very rich.

They are showing themselves to be idiotic white people who long for the good old days of lynchings, women staying in their place, and no token minorities in any positions of even moderate power.  The days when affirmative action and “people” who weren’t “free, white, and 21” could only dream of voting.  These horrors, like space flight, were but shadows in a distant future that was not inevitable and could be avoided with the proper application of violence and white resolve.

Well, maybe the space flight analogy isn’t a good one.  I mean, we all know that’s hoax anyway.  People leaving earth’s atmosphere; talk about witchcraft!

They are more insidious and evil than the Nazi followers of Adolf Hitler could have ever been.  Hitler and his minions, at least, were up front about their hatred.  They told the Jews and others “We don’t like you and we don’t want you here.  Leave now.  If you don’t, we’re going to first take away from you anything even close to resembling civil rights, then if you still don’t leave, we’re going to strip your humanity from you, and hell, if you’re still here after that, we’re going to kill you.”  They didn’t try to mask hatred behind childish, cowardly claims that their ‘religious liberty’ was being pounded into the ground.  Religious liberty is the freedom to love everyone unconditionally, not hate and discriminate.

My message to you: If you’re going to hate, hate and be proud of it.  Don’t slink around in the dark, like a spider.

This is one reason why we should allow this law to play itself out; to allow the social agenda of the tea party to be bought into the light of day.  God can see it in the darkness, but we cannot.  We can only see it if it is allowed to become visible in all of its evil glory.  Only if it is comes into full view, can the Homo Sapiens of the planet see it for what it is and rise against it.

If we allow this law to bloom into its full effect, businesses that are housed in Indiana will feel the effects of the social agenda of the people they foolishly placed into positions of coercive power.

Let the marketplace decide!  Perhaps as a supplement to this bill, all businesses in Indiana must be required to post clearly on their door whether or not they support discrimination based on…well…whatever you want to base it on.  In this case, I guess it would be hatred masked as religious liberty.

To be honest, any “religious liberty” that would allow a person, or worse, direct a person to discriminate against another is not religion based upon a God of love.  It is religion based upon human hatred.  But then again, what “religion” is not based upon human hatred?  This is one reason Jesus came to break the power of religion.

If every business in Indiana had to state clearly whether or not they supported this new legalized discrimination, all citizens of Indiana and the other 49 states would know what businesses to boycott and which business to which they should offer their money and loyalty.  One way or another, the marketplace would decide whether or not this law should stand.  The tea party has to stand behind that.

This is why we should allow this law to go into full effect.  The governor of Indiana may be trying to exercise damage control, but the people of the christian far right and their bastard children of the tea party who wrote the bill are pushing back.  They’re standing by the legalized discrimination and hatred this bill represents.  Hitler would be proud of them.

The rest of us, not so much.

Peace and love to all,


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